Of Training Raynor

As promised, here is the follow up to the post about training Teemo. Raynor is the elder sister to dear Teemo, and despite nearly everything I have ever read saying that beagles and basset hounds are difficult to train and never learn, she is definitely the easier of the two to train. Stubborn and smart, she will test anyone she meets surely to see what she can get away with. For instance, she listens to everything my mother says, but barely listens to my father whatsoever. Here are some of her fun little tricks.

Down and Sit :: Of course, just like Teemo, she can lay down and sit. She is the queen of sitting and can sit and stay for ever - until she is told 'come' or 'okay. She also knows watch me, come, stay, go to bed, crate, go get your momma, and a variety of other phrases.

Do A Circle :: So I wanted a dog that would roll over. But kind of like a turtle, Raynor is incapable of rolling on her back and gets stuck and flips out whenever it happens. So, she does the same trick I taught my first guinea pig.

Shake and Other Paw :: Raynor understands shake and to give the opposite paw when told. When there is a treat involved, she just starts randomly pawing the air, often just wapping Teemo in the head.


  1. i've never had a dog but it sounds so lovely :) <3

  2. Aww Raynor is such a cutie, and she seems to know a lot of tricks! I call Duke's crate his "batcave" he's somewhat got that "go to your batcave" means going to his crate

  3. i love these posts, Raynor is so adorable! Casey's pretty good at tricks, but I'm not good at coming up with new trick ideas-- I love 'other paw'!

  4. Awesome! My dogs are the best at Wave, Roll over and walking through my legs, and now I have to teach them make a circle too!

  5. I keep wanting to teach my pups some tricks. They're poodles and very smart but I'm kind of a lazy trainer, lol.

  6. she is so sweet! henry knows about half these tricks, so he's a bit behind ;) your gifs are so cute!

  7. hahahaha katherine! that is just too frickin' cute! great job, the BOTH of you!

  8. Aww! Raynor is so precious! I just love it when you said she just randomly paws the air when a treat is involved! So adorable!


  9. It sounds like she has a fair amount of commands mastered (more than our dogs!) I love the idea of "go find your momma!" Cute.

    Also, I was more focussed on you and what you were wearing in your profile picture, I didn't even notice that Teemo and Raynor were all dress up! They are so cute!

  10. i want to take this blog post and keep it in my pocket all day every day. so so so so cute! so lovable! you should see the smile i have on my face right now!

  11. I love the gifs! Both my dogs were pretty well trained when I adopted them but teaching Tommy any new tricks is impossible. He's adorable but not the smartest little guy!



    Southern (California)Belle

  12. Mia never got on the tricks train. We pretty much got sit and that's where it ended. :)

  13. Raynor look so cute >.< I want to have one, but my mom hates dog T.T

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  14. You're a genius with these gifs. I wish I could reach into my laptop screen and just pet Raynor! If I ever get a dog in the future I'm coming to your blog for all your tips. :P


  15. I have a dachshund and seven years we've only made it as far as sit, lay, side, spin, and roll. We've been working on shake for years, but his little legs are so short he tips over.

  16. Oh gosh, your gifts are so fun and perfect and neaaat-o! I'm jealous that your dogs know tricks. Mine isn't nearly as obidient. ;)

  17. Dog training?! Your blog really is about everything.

  18. So cuuuute! I want a corgi... and then I want to train it too!

    7% Solution​

  19. omg, they are adorable. I want to get a dog so badly, I just need to stop living as a gipsy first, haha :D

  20. omggg im OBSESSED!!! haha how freaken adorable!!

  21. I loooovvveee seeing these :)

  22. Ah, Raynor is so cute!! I love these posts. My dog Bella shakes both hands and she always does a circle before she can roll over. It's pretty funny! It's nice to know that other dogs do this too!

  23. awww. but even so, look at the eyes on Raynor!!!!! so sweet.

  24. raynor looks amazingly cute! she's adorable! :)

    P.S. i can't believe i'm not qualified to join your latest giveaway. so jealous! i would love to have that phone! haha! :)


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