Things go too fast on weekends. Sundays in Cincinnati are always the worst as I get all I can in then drive 7 hours back to Pennsylvania. These photos were crammed in between my mom's birthday lunch and taking Jason to the airport for a super sad good bye as I won't see my husband again until November on our birthday/Thanksgiving which is awful but plane tickets are expensive and I want to go to Disney on our birthday instead of flying down an extra time. 


I don't have much to say these days.

scarf :: handmade remixed
top :: forever 21 remixed
wedges :: charles by charles david (similar) remixed
tote :: sass & peril via remixed
owl pin on bag :: c/o sugarcookie remixed
bracelets :: target / chain chain chained via / kate spade remixed
headband :: goody remixed
earrings :: kate spade remixed
Sitting at home going over these photos, I just can't believe this happened. Coordinating 6 people coming into town from 4 different places ranging from Pennsylvania to Arizona seems like the impossible, but we all managed to gather for Oktoberfest and have an amazing day full of participating in the World's Largest Chicken Dance and beer in plastic mugs and walls of people.


We ended the night with drinks at Japp's, which is one of my favorite bars ever if not my favorite ever. I love their drinks - handmade creative cocktails I couldn't imagine appear on their menu. It's a stop whenever Jason and I come in town now. And the owner is the cutest, nicest person ever.


dress :: sugarhill boutique via modcloth remixed
hat :: handmade remixed
pup print keds :: keds remixed
belt :: from a dress remixed
squirrel bobby pin :: c/o sugar cookie remixed
necklace :: target remixed
bracelet :: vintage via atomic warehouse remixed
ring :: francesca's closet remixed
Honestly, this small period of time spent taking photos alone in the park where Jason and I got married was a bit of relief among the madness. After a doctor's appointment, a hair cut, and getting my car in for it's not-quite 25K check up, well, it was a lot. This was just about 20 minutes of serenity. 

A Petits Pois et ChiensA Petits Pois et ChiensA Petits Pois et Chiens

This necklace from Anya of Pretty Pany is just about the most precious thing ever. I was really excited to wear it and wore it two days in a row (on my drive down too the day after it arrived.) 

Hofbrauhaus FunHofbrauhaus Fun

We all mostly came in to town to celebrate a visit from Rion & Alyson - our close friends who now live in Arizona and we haven't seen since our wedding last year. I was more than excited to hang out with Alyson - but a few days was definitely not long enough! Fortunately she's coming to visit this weekend too!

A Petits Pois et ChiensA Petits Pois et ChiensA Petits Pois et ChiensA Petits Pois et Chiens

headband :: forever 21 remixed
sweater :: loft remixed
dress :: modcloth harvest season dress remixed
booties :: seychelles clue bootie remixed
belt :: ebay
bracelet :: target remixed
earrings :: fossil remixed
necklace :: c/o anya pany
tote :: sass & peril via remixed
owl pin on bag :: c/o sugarcookie
I have been getting more and more questions about Teemo's name lately, so I thought I would address our animals and the nerdy fashion in which we name them.

Both of our pups are adopted and named after video game characters. Raynor, our princess pup, is named after Jim Raynor from the Starcraft series. She's a strong girl and she can get a bit grumpy - she actually fits her name quite well. She also gets called 'angel, baby, princess, baby Raynor, Rayn-baby, Raynor Baynor' and about 8 million more cutesy pet names.

-326 : starcraft II

Teemo is named after a character in League of Legends. When we used to play, I would only play as Teemo. When I first saw a picture of him, his name was actually Thomas, which he didn't know, and he looked exactly like Teemo to me. He also is known as 'Weemo, Teems, Weems, Bubsy, buddy boy, little man' and more.

teemo the great

Our guinea pigs have not always followed our 'video game' naming strategy. 2 of our pigs were adopted from a guinea pig rescue, one was found on Craiglist and needed a home, and the last was bought at PetSmart because he had been there awhile and no one picked him. Our first pet and guinea pig, Poko, was just named like that. Our second guinea pig was named Artie, which became lengthened to Artemis when he was being bad, which was pretty much all of the time. Our two guinea pigs who are still alive are Pichu and Sir Tom. Pichu is named after the pre-evolution state of Pikachu in Pokemon. (Ha! That just sounds nerdy). Sir Tom, well, we thought he looked like he had a monocle, so his name became Sir Tomas Pigglesworth the 3rd for really no reason. I cannot explain to you in anyway why this is what we named him, but he's never just 'Tom' always 'Sir Tom'.

poko <3 marc jacobswhat a beautiful little boy!another side of pichuchristmas : sir tom

I love naming my animals. I have always joked (but I'm really not joking at all) that I will have two Boston terriers named 'Tea' and 'Party' so they will be a Boston Tea Party. I also wanted a male Bichon Frise named Robespierre after the famous French revolutionary when I was in high school. Especially with shelter dogs, they are often given a number or temporary name, and when you take them into your life, I view it as a great way to create a bond between you and your pet and signify their new life. Raynor was named Tevis and Gabby before we got her!

The Summer Ends by American Football is just the consummate song for the days of September in my opinion. It has been a stand by for me on fall mixtapes for as long as I can remember. The last days of September are always a little bittersweet for me. Last year, my husband and I realized we would be moving 1,000 miles apart. In high school, it's the time when band started to end, school started to get real, and the sun started going down too quickly. I am ready for the next months - I am anxious to get to November when our birthday present should be my husband and I reuniting after he graduates. So here's to the fall - and a change of colors.

The Summer EndsThe Summer EndsThe Summer EndsThe Summer EndsThe Summer EndsThe Summer Ends

Happy fall equinox - it's officially fall now!

The Summer EndsThe Summer EndsThe Summer EndsThe Summer Ends

Also, I'll be in Cincinnati this weekend enjoying beer and pretzels with my husband and dear friends who live in Arizona. Expect lots of cheesy photos of me and my friend in downtown Cincinnati when I get back.

booties :: seychelles clue bootie via gilt remixed
belt :: anthropologie remixed
tea necklace :: c/o sugarcookie
cuff :: target remixed
ring :: c/o oasap remixed
tote :: sass & peril via remixed