Of Dog Flu & Feet Licking

Have I mentioned the fun times Teemo and I have been having lately? Oh, I haven't? Yeah, well, back in August Teemo got the dog flu! There was an outbreak here in Pennsylvania in the area where I kennel Teemo. This basically is a lot like human flu, only a strain that effects dogs. He was reverse sneezing and hacking a lot, but after some antibiotics and a week of my dad feeding him hot dogs, he was mostly better (and fatter).

Except the feet licking. I don't know what started this, I still don't, but Teemo started basically eating his feet, and little buddy has been on steroids lately. We joke a lot about 'roid rages (doggy steroids are not the same thing as body building anabolic steroids by the way so this doens't happen) and getting buff, but really, they just make him need to go to the bathroom a lot more. I come home for lunch every day to take him out because of this.

Sick dogs are up there in the level of pathetic. Teemo is hilarious in his cone of shame, which I have stopped putting him in now that he's mostly stopped licking.

Let this serve as another one of my many reminders that owning a pet isn't usually cheap and random things will happen. If you haven't seen this before, I have a little animation about adopting and what all it takes to get a pet besides love - which is money, time, and a lot of dedication. Because love is great, but it don't pay my 400 plus dollars in vet bills over the past two months. Click here to watch it.


  1. what the dog flu? i had no idea! yah owning a pet is fine but when it comes to the vet, those bills aren't cheap at all

  2. I've never heard of dog flu! I used to have a feet licker/chewer dog too and the vet said it was due to anxiety so maybe the sickness has brought on some anxiety issues? Mine lives with grandparents now and still does it occasionally. She's just a stressed out pooch.

  3. Poor little guy!! He has had a rough couple of months for sure. I hope Mr.Duke doesn't get the dog flu it does not sound like fun at all!! I am glad to hear he's feeling better, pets are wonderful but yes very expensive at times!

  4. Poor Teemo....hope he feels better soon :) He still looks adorable!

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. oh no teemo! katherine, i can relate! i had two dogs at the same time so it was very expensive. it's costly if you want to take care of them the right way! everyone needs to think about this before owning one. emergencies do happen and you have to be prepared.

  6. I love that little animation and it definitely gives me more insight into adopting a dog of my own. It's been on my mind for a while (maybe in a year or two) and I'm definitely going to wait until I'm more financially secure. Teemo is adorable in his cone of shame though! I'm glad he's getting better. :)

    Also, your nails in this post before this one? AMAZING.

  7. Omg, poor baby! He looks so cute in his little neck thing though, haha. :P And you are exactly right--pets are EXPENSIVE. My kitty has not cost much yet, but travel fees alone this winter are about to be crazy.

  8. Aww...I'm sorry he was sick! And the cone of shame! I always feel bad when pets have to wear those. Glad he's starting to feel better! <3


  9. Oh man....a sick dog??? That has got to be rough!! I always feel bad for pets who are I'll!

  10. glad he is better now darling such a beautiful little dog!
    xoxo Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  11. Oh no poor little guy! I am so sad that he had the doggie flu! You are so sweet to take care of him! xxoo


  12. your poor puppy. My dog was biting herself and I had to give her med for 10 days and give a medicated bath twice a week. She is doing better now. I hope your little guy feel better soon.

  13. Aw, the cone of shame. I know it all too well. Morpheus, my adult cat, is on steroids as well and he uses the litter box SO much. I have to change it about three times more often than I used to.

    I hope he gets better soon. xoxoxo

    My Painted Bird

  14. Poor baby. It's so hard to find a GOOD vet that doesn't charge and arm and a leg!

  15. Aww poor little guy! I actually had no idea dogs could get the flu! I hope he's back to normal soon, and can get rid of the cone of shame!

  16. He's so cute. Glad he's feeling better!

  17. Awww... poor little guy! I love my doggie too and if she got the flu and had to take steroids I would freak!

  18. Aww, poor Teemo! Glad he's starting to feel better!

  19. Awww...poor little guy. Cones of shame are the worst. Just ask Dug.


  20. Oh poor Teemo. Wishing him to feel better soon. Still adorable. xx

  21. You're right, pet vet bills aren't cheap. We have a special bank account for pet emergencies! I hope Teemo feels better!!!

  22. I'm glad to hear Teemo is feeling better! My chihuahuas reverse sneeze all the time, but I think that's just a chihuahua thing. Oh and I love that video. So cute and very true!



    Southern (California) Belle

  23. This post is both hilarious yet sad at the same time! I didn't even know dogs' got the flu! I have cats and when they are sick they do have a whine about them that make them so much cuter!

  24. Teemo is adorable!!!! I really like your blog!


  25. So true. We've had so many medical issues with my cat, unbelievable. It's still worth it though, but it sucks.

  26. ohhh... poor Teemo!
    Is Teemo fully ok now?
    I get you with bills for vet. very expensive and sad they do all have to go through this sooner or later. and there are also toys and yammies, etc. But no money can buy love

  27. Aww, poor Teemo! Hope he feels better soon!

  28. Poor Teemo and his cone of shame! I actually saw a dog in Paris that looked a lot like him--Teemo's French twin.


  29. i hope he is getting ok :<

  30. pooooor teemo! my bf and I desperately want to get a pup (I ask him on the daily, no really), and he's been the mature one saying we have to wait until we are financially ready (boys can be so smart sometimes!). My sister just got a puppy while she was visiting us and she got incredibly sick ended up having to get surgery and my sister and her fiance have had to pay $8g so far and they've only had her for 2 months... crazy right? You really need to be sure you can handle taking care of a dog (like you said) because sometimes things come up that you can't help!


  31. Aww poor Teemo! I'm glad he's feeling better. Jinx bites his feet every spring due to allergies but he refuses to wear a cone.

    The Tiny Heart

  32. Poor Teemo! I have to agree though, there's something so endearingly pathetic about seeing dogs in those cones. And your video is SO well done!

  33. Aw poor Teemo, you are such a good mom though. :) Teemo is so cute!


  34. Poor baby! I hope he feels better soon. And you're right, animals always end up costing so much more than you think they're going to. When I got Effy (the poodle) I had no idea how much she'd end up costing in vets bills, I'd been so lucky with Holly, she's a tough cookie. I think within the first year of having Effy she cost me more in vets bills than in a whole 14 years with Holly!

  35. my dog licks his feet all the time. i think it's an anxiety thing for him. we heard it might be allergies, so we changed his diet once, but that didn't help. he's a pretty anxious dog, so i think that might be it. we have tried socks, cones, everything. now he's 13, so we just let him lick!

  36. Aw, that makes me sad to him sick like that :( Poor little guy. Hope he is 100% back to full strength now with no more icky flu. Someday I would love to adopt a pup for our little guy - but the Mr. & I are so busy throughout the week and not home a lot so I hesitate getting one right now if we can't devote the proper time to it. I really believe all the money and work involved is 100% worth it :)

  37. So sorry to hear he was sick! Pooor baby. My Frankie was ill for a while too with gastro. :(

  38. Poor Teemo! I hope he's feeling better and that he completely abandons his feet licking habit. :)

  39. Poor Teemo! Even had to get a cone collar. Hope he kicks that foot licking habit soon. :(

    Give him a rub on his head for me. Hope he feels better soon.

  40. poor thing! he does look adorable with the collar though!

  41. Poor Guy!!!!!! When we adopted Joy last December she came home with the dog flu! You feel so bad for these furry things because you know they don't feel good but they can't express whats wrong!

  42. Omg, that video of the dog reverse sneezing makes me so sad to watch. Poor Teemo! I hate it when dogs get miserable like that and have to wear a cone. The exact same thing happened to my dog when he had the dog flu...he started biting at himself and needed a cone. I wonder why. Maybe they're dehydrated and it helps somehow?

  43. Oooh vet bills are the worst! My cat once fell in the bath and it cost us £400 to get him fixed up. Definitely good advice to expect the unexpected when taking care of furry friends x

  44. I want to squeeze your corgi! So adorable!



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