you're kitten me, right?

I'm not a big fan of Halloween, but when my friend Shauna told me she was having a Halloween party, I was so incredibly excited. Not only was it being held by one of my favorite people, it wasn't on Halloween, didn't start at something crazy like 11pm, and wasn't a bunch of college kids in skimpy outfits getting all up on each other - perfect! I'm not big on elaborate costumes - I respect them greatly, but I tend to have a problem purchasing items simply for one day (eg. Halloween costumes and my wedding dress). So I decided to be....a not so cat. A crazy cat lady? What am I? You tell me.

sweater :: ann taylor remixed
tights :: ebay remixed
flats :: marc by marc jacobs remixed
necklace :: gift remixed
hat :: michelle mignon
bag :: valhalla brooklyn via etsy remixed


  1. you look too adorable. i'd love to have your clothes :<

  2. Haha "a bunch of college kids in skimpy outfits getting all up on each other..." SO TRUE. And I totally just caught a glimpse of your adorable shoes. They are so you, and so perfect.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  3. I would love to go to one of those over-the-top wild super fantastic costume parties for Halloween. Robert and I got really nice costumes the last time we were in New Orleans, but we've only wore them for each other so far. I suppose we could dress up for the kids that come to the door but it's not quite what I was looking for. I hope you have fun at your party.

    Love all your animal themed outfit. You're a "cool cat lady with a hat?"

    I ended up buying this same dress on sale for an extra 25% off. It looks great on you.


  4. Gah, I love this dress SOOO much!! It's the cutest print in the whole world. And that cardigan is adorable, I love the sprakly details on it. You and your pup are the cuuutest.
    I'm not celebrating halloween this year because no one is hosting a party, no bars, college grinding up gatherings for this lass. I love making my costume though, Usually I try to incorporate clothes I already own and just make one piece. Last year I was a rag doll and the year before a peacock!

  5. This is so sweet, I have a toothache!

  6. I have seen that dress several times and I always love it! The tights are super cute too! I am a fan of Halloween, but usually I am burned out by the time Halloween actually comes after a billion Halloween parties for the kids.

  7. Cute! I love the sweater and the lil' kitty faces on your legs. Crazy cat lady for sure :P

    ♥ Em

  8. Oh my goodness, those tights are darling. I had to take a second look at that third photo - too cute! And they are such a fun addition to your cat printed dress. With the theme you have going, I think a crazy cat woman would be the perfect costume. You could even dress Teemo up as a cat and take him along. I'm sure he'd forgive you... eventually. Haha


  9. Adorable. I used to buy costumes EVERY year and it really is a waste. I just look at how expensive they are and roll my eyes. I may dress up as Hello Kitty this weekend for our friends party, but I'm still undecided.

  10. So, I love love love your anthropologie dress and what an adorable and inspirational blog you have - thank you for that! :)

  11. how cute are you in this outfit?! I love the detail on your sweet! =)
    AND I'm with ya...Halloween isn't my personal fave holiday but it's because I didn't grow up getting various costumes to wear or go out for trick or treating often so I never had a tradition associated with the holiday. Plus, when college came around, I wasn't the girl who felt comfortable dressing with less is more. hah...


  12. I always get excite for Halloween and always buy a costume except for this year. This will be the first year that I haven't dressed up for Halloween! I'm so sad!! Have fun at your friend's party! :) I love those tights, by the way. AND that dress :)

    xx Adrian

  13. That kitten dress is just too cute Katherine. Also love the little adornments on your sweater. I love that you're doing Halloween your own way! That's what is important! :)

  14. you look adorable! i love that dress and your hat is amazing!

  15. the kitten dress is just too cute!! xoxo

  16. I absolutely LOVE that cat dress! And I hate spending money on Halloween costumes too :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  17. You're adorable in those cat ears. I always try to make my Halloween costumes out of things I already own. :) The best part about these pictures is that you're a cat and your dog...well, your dog is a dog. :P

  18. I love Halloween!! I really want to dress up this year but one of my friends are and so I am bummed...I love getting into costume! That sweater is gorgeous, I esp love the gemstones!

  19. Your animal puns crack me up- and I'm right there with you about halloween costumes. Think I'll be a witch because my mom has a hat she'll lent me!

    But you look cute! A cute cat.

  20. Aw, I've been seeing this dress everywhere lately. I don't even like cats, but I want this dress. So fabulous!!
    xo TJ

  21. cute dress. I'm not a fan of Halloween either.

  22. AH I die!!! Those tights are awesome, and paired with that dress? Seriously! What a perfect title for this post, haha..

  23. That is really funny!!! A cat dress for a dog person is adorable though and I like it.

  24. I love your title! That dress is so cute :)

    ♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}

  25. ♥♥♥ Adorable is what you are! I like your take on Halloween.

  26. I don't think your pup appreciates this outfit ;)
    The cat dress is gorgeous! What an inspiring outfit.


  27. your dress is too cute! as well as the pic of you hugging your puppy :)
    xx mili

  28. that dress is soooo cute! i LOVE it!!

  29. I hate spending money on Halloween costumes too. I love your dress!! And the detail on the pockets of your sweater is so pretty.


  30. That hat is amazing! Such a really cute idea!


  31. Those tights are too cute! I remember seeing them somewhere online and awwww-ing over them. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I am being a leopard, so we're both in the same animal family...fancy felines! haha. :)

  32. Oh my goodness. This is so very cute. I love this hat on you! Your dress and tights are perfect!

  33. I'm not all into the "sorority" type Halloween parties (although I've never been to one!) But still it's pretty obvious that parties are much better when it's just close friends where you can let loose and not have to worry about the trash bags walking in. ;) I'm supposedly doing a fairy/mother nature themed costume this year for a teeenyyy tiny Halloween party i'm having at our house (seriously, like 4 people will be here hahah.)
    you look so lovely and T is adorable as always!
    lyndsey of hellolyndsey

  34. OMG I am a crazy bunny lady! This reminds me so much of my obsession with rabbits. Great blog, lovely images.

    Please check out my Michael Stars Giveaway
    Stiletto Beats

    Emily Jenny

  35. You look so adorable! I'm not big on dressing up either! I agree with you about the $$ thing...just not worth it to me! haha

  36. you are soo stinking adorable all kittened out hehe!

    Sandy a la Mode

  37. Beautiful dress! And I always get so freaking excited when I'm watching a tv show and I have something from it :D For example, I have one of the dresses that Rachel wears in Glee and I have the same pillows as someone in Make it or Break it haha.

  38. I do love the dress but the cardi and the little details on the pockets... LOVE!!!!!!!

  39. I've seen lots of people blogging about that anthro dress! It's adorable!

  40. This whole outfit is so cute! And I love the tights...I did a double take when I saw the photo! And you have a great take on Halloween, I've never bought a costume before, only used things I already have to make something.

  41. That dress is so cute!

    You should do pumpkin carving! It's artistic, fun and doesn't have to be at any particular time. Plus you can make pie or soup out of the pumpkin bits you cut out. And people make things like this:

    I am majorly into Halloween and pumpkins if you haven't got that already! :)

  42. I really may have to put this dress on my Christmas list because I swoon every time I see it. Or maybe i will troll ebay for awhile! Your little cat ears are amazing and that sounds like the perfect Halloween party! Teemo looks quite dapper and adorable in his costume as well!

  43. I'm absolutely in love with the Marc Jacobs flats!

  44. you're killing me with that dress and your absolutely adorable little doggy. gets me every time!


  45. You look so adorable in this dress! I love all the ways you have remixed it including as a Halloween outfit. I hear ya on the one day thing! I still have no idea what I am going to be. I honestly may just go to the fabric store and do your classic Ghost. I had a friend that did that one year and didn't take it off the entire time... and it was actually kind of amusing.


  46. i love this dress so much! words cannot express :)
    You are so beautiful! And I love the way that you styled the dress.
    It really seems as if your genuine nature comes through in all these pictures!

    thanks for stopping by l'esthetique!

  47. OMG I wanted that Leah Goren dress so badly!! I love her cat designs! So envious! Love the way you're wearing it!
    A's Fashion Files
    Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!

  48. That hat! :O

  49. I think this dress might be my favorite thing that you own. You should just wear it every day. Also, I wish I could look this stylish on Halloween! And I completely agree- I never see the point in spending a lot of money on a costume when you wear it ONCE.

  50. aww...You look so cut an adorable in that ensemble..b'ful..
    I just came across ur lovely blog, wanna follow each other
    Let me know... ^_^
    The Sweet Life

  51. This whole outfit is adorable!! The hat is so perfect with that dress and tights <3

  52. I have this dress! The print was too cute to resist!

  53. Corgi pics! Awwwwww, The Corginator sez Hi!

    Great dress, BTW :)

  54. That dress is AWESOME! You are darling! I hope you'll come check out my blog too!

  55. Those tights are magnificent. That dress is fabulous. That dog is a chick magnet. I LOVE THIS OUTFIT.

  56. This outfit is fabulous, but I can't stop staring at that little cutie! I just want to rub that furry little heeeed! (how I say head for super cute dog heads!)

  57. i totally agree with the not buying--i'm all about using what i have or paying no more than $20 for craft supplies!

  58. a total cutie that's what you are! That little cat hat & dress are adorable & esp love how dressed the pup. Yay for great Halloween parties, hope its' a blast! I think I'm not even stepping away from my grad hw this evening bcuz I'd like to avoid silly college-kids in this town tonight haha.

  59. A good simple costume is always good. I like your idea of a halloween costume, it totally fits your style ;)


  60. I love this outfit so much (but then I really am a crazy cat lady - I can't get enough of them) did you stencil the cats on your legs or are they stockings?


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