Naming Our Pets

I have been getting more and more questions about Teemo's name lately, so I thought I would address our animals and the nerdy fashion in which we name them.

Both of our pups are adopted and named after video game characters. Raynor, our princess pup, is named after Jim Raynor from the Starcraft series. She's a strong girl and she can get a bit grumpy - she actually fits her name quite well. She also gets called 'angel, baby, princess, baby Raynor, Rayn-baby, Raynor Baynor' and about 8 million more cutesy pet names.

-326 : starcraft II

Teemo is named after a character in League of Legends. When we used to play, I would only play as Teemo. When I first saw a picture of him, his name was actually Thomas, which he didn't know, and he looked exactly like Teemo to me. He also is known as 'Weemo, Teems, Weems, Bubsy, buddy boy, little man' and more.

teemo the great

Our guinea pigs have not always followed our 'video game' naming strategy. 2 of our pigs were adopted from a guinea pig rescue, one was found on Craiglist and needed a home, and the last was bought at PetSmart because he had been there awhile and no one picked him. Our first pet and guinea pig, Poko, was just named like that. Our second guinea pig was named Artie, which became lengthened to Artemis when he was being bad, which was pretty much all of the time. Our two guinea pigs who are still alive are Pichu and Sir Tom. Pichu is named after the pre-evolution state of Pikachu in Pokemon. (Ha! That just sounds nerdy). Sir Tom, well, we thought he looked like he had a monocle, so his name became Sir Tomas Pigglesworth the 3rd for really no reason. I cannot explain to you in anyway why this is what we named him, but he's never just 'Tom' always 'Sir Tom'.

poko <3 marc jacobswhat a beautiful little boy!another side of pichuchristmas : sir tom

I love naming my animals. I have always joked (but I'm really not joking at all) that I will have two Boston terriers named 'Tea' and 'Party' so they will be a Boston Tea Party. I also wanted a male Bichon Frise named Robespierre after the famous French revolutionary when I was in high school. Especially with shelter dogs, they are often given a number or temporary name, and when you take them into your life, I view it as a great way to create a bond between you and your pet and signify their new life. Raynor was named Tevis and Gabby before we got her!


  1. Such a cute post. It's funny because my pups have like a million names as well. It's amazing that they even know when I'm calling them :)



    Southern (California) Belle

  2. This is such a great post, I love hearing how pets get their names. When we got my boston/frenchie he was already perfectly named Duke, but that evolved to Mr. Duke.
    And we have rabbits, Smokey and the Bandit :)

  3. This is sooo awesome! We also have a nerdy naming game! We have bmo and lumpy space princess from the cartoon adventure time, and when we got our corgi, macy, we kindof went off our rails on that one because we picked her up in macy, indiana. Those little piggies are so cute!


  4. I love that. I haven't played Starcraft, but I have played lots of World of Warcraft. I just can't bring myself to spend that much time on a video game anymore. Although, I do need to finish Skyrim. It was tons of fun!

  5. SQUEE! I grew up with guinea pigs and absolutely love them. My boyfriend does not share my enthusiasm so he refuses to let me adopt one. Your pets have the cutest names. :)

  6. My favourite is POKO! It's so cute!

    My two cats were named Crazy and Kooky (erm after me?). When we had hamsters they were called NumNum and NipNip. Unfortunately there's no real naming system.. it's whatever comes to mind.. :p

  7. So cute! There was a time when all of my pets were named after environmental hazards - Dusty, Rusty, and Smokey :)

  8. pichu! what a cute name. love how you always post about your animals!
    btw love the stocking in the post below:)

  9. Ahh I love your naming system! And your animals are all totally adorable!

  10. All of your animals are adorable and with such cute names too!
    Naming pets after video game characters is exactly what my boyfriend would do haha.

  11. I want to get a Rottweiler or a husky and name it "Clunkers." It would be funny.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  12. Its always fun to see what goes on behind the naming process (of pets or animals). I always kind of like names that sound like people names, but are rather out of fashion. I suspect this is mainly because of a student who had daily stories about his dog. They always ended something like," ...And when we turned around- WALTER HAD EATEN THE WHOLE CAKE."

    Your pets sound like good fits for their names. Also- you need to get yourself two Boston Terriers. Because that is awesome.

  13. That is so cool how you named your pets! i love how Raynor has a picture with the star craft video game :) At the zoo I volunteer at, all the zookeepers vote for names and my favorite is the bats. They have three, one is named Bruce, one is named Wayne and the last one is named Alfred.

  14. So cute the stories behind all your pets' names! Love it

  15. Can I please have a big cuddle party with all of your animals!?

  16. video games inspired names are brilliant! Nice to see where Teemoo name came from!
    We used books and movie for our dogs.Elder is named after my hub's first book character and other in honour of Star Trek saga.

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. I’ve got an award for you here

  17. i love this! i desperately want a pup, but living in central london, it doesn't seem fair. xx

  18. haha katherine! that is so awesome! i had a missy...she was from Mississippi so that is how she got her name. i like to hear the stories behind names.

  19. So you live with video game celebrities then?!! Awesome.

    My pups have people names. I swear sometimes people think I have kids when I talk about them. lol!

  20. Sir Tom is the best name! I think it's fun to have a story behind the name - and good for you in getting rescue animals!

  21. Katherine- I'm totally into names and naming everything, so I loved reading this!! Such a cool idea for a post. And if I had ANY pets, I would totally do the same. Your pet names are so funny, and definitely unique! Love the Boston Tea Party idea, I just met a dog named "Peep" that had a brother named "Bo" that had died. Love those partner names!

    ALSO: I saw someone walking a corgis on my campus the other day!!! Thought of you!

    perfectly priya

  22. I love finding out that despite the fashion blog appearance so many of us are geeks underneath. You know, despite you mentioning Teemo many times I never made the League of Legends association, even though my boy plays it pretty much every day as well.

    I have loads of ideas for crazy names for if I have kids, mostly mythological characters. But I have thought that perhaps naming cats might be a lighter burder than being a girl called Blodeuwedd...

    Oh and do you mean a custom minifig like yourself? Me and Andy are getting Lego bride and groom versions of ourselves as cake toppers! :D

  23. I think that is awesome!!!! My husband would totally be up for such names because he's a gaming geek himself (I used to play a bunch of multiplayer games, but with being a mom, I haven't any time at all for them any longer). I appreciate when people have unique names for animals and children. I sigh heavily when people tell me typical names, and then let it go, but creativity is fun. Yey for theme naming too.

  24. We do the video game approach too! Our little ginger cat's name is Samus!

  25. They are all SO CUTE. I did not know you had so many little pets. We have three - a cat and two bunnies. Our cat is Nilla cos she is all white. Sometimes she is called Snowdrop or Snow Cat! Those are just nicknames for her. Our rabbit, Oreo, was abandoned and left in her cage in Atlanta on Valentine's Day 2009. We decided to keep her when she took to me when we were first playing with her on our patio. She is all black with a white band in the middle - so she is a real Oreo! We adopted our second bun as a "husbun" for Oreo. She went "speed dating" and chose Jumbles, a white rabbit. All of our pets have a cookie name theme, as Jumbles are a type of drop cookie!

  26. I love your Boston Terrier idea! It's also awesome that you name your pets after videogames! That's too cool :)

    ♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}

  27. Heehee, I adore the name Teemo. :) It's such a great pet name - most of the League names don't really appeal to me for pets, but his definitely does, like Waffles or Pancake. XD

  28. All those names are awesome! I love when pets have cool and creative names instead of generic ones. :)

  29. i love this post, and hearing about how you names all your adorable pets. we wanted a dog named lucy, but when we "met" our dog, he was not a she, so we took him home and named him desi. but we never call him that...he has a million nicknames!

  30. Such an interesting post! I really enjoyed reading it! :)

  31. Your pets have adorable names! I love that you have guinea pigs too-- I also adopted one from a pet store a few years ago, I named him Hamilton just because it suits him. Both of the dogs I've had were rescues and I just kept the names they had because I couldn't think of anything different :)

  32. my pet, groucho, is a cat who looks like groucho marx! you probably saw him on my instagram post - he has a mustache (for real, i don't draw it on every day).

    your blog is too fun! i'm following you now xx


  33. Captain Teemo on duty!
    I love Corgis and I love Teemo! And I love that your Teemo actually looks like Teemo :3


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