Aubergine & Animals

Akron will never fail to amaze me at how much it snows there. This day, we mostly stayed in and played board games with friends - have you ever played a Munchkins game? They are so much fun. This dress, despite being strapless, is one of the most comfortable dresses I own. Plus the full skirt is actually decent warm! This coat, on the other hand, was not the best choice as my only coat to bring along. It's a little thin for 27 degree weather!

Both Teemo and Raynor got marked as 'over weight' at the vet. Teemo's up to a big 31.6 pounds and Raynor is around 59 pounds. Puppies need a losing weight New Year's resolution. The camera adds 10 pounds right? Maybe that's why Teemo looks like a sausage in these (I'm just denying it, aren't I?)

aurbergine dreams dress :: anthopologie remixed
polka dot cardigan :: loft remixed
tights :: target remixed
heels :: steve madden remixed
coat :: loft outlet (similarremixed
hat :: handmade remixed
corgi necklace :: pretty pany remixed
watch :: relic remixed
gloves :: asos remixed


  1. Such a gorgeous dress! I love the colour of it, and your hat is awesome. I can't believe how big Teemo is! Poor boys, need to drop a few lbs, the pictures of you and Teemo are so cute

  2. Aww, Oliver tends to pack on the pounds too. We had to put him on a diet (less food, healthier treats) and he was able to drop the weight pretty quickly. The crazy thing is I couldn't even tell he was getting chubby, other people had to tell me.

    The Tiny Heart

  3. I have indeed playing Munchkin. Good game. Not for a while actually but being the board game fan that I am I have played various others along those lines. (In fact am getting ready to go and play Carcassonne with some friends tonight) I love your corgi necklace. Hope it gets a bit warmer for you soon! :)

  4. That dress is adorable! You always look so cute! I'm also loving the coat as well.

  5. That's the second time I've heard the game Munchkins sounds fun so I may have to try it!!

  6. even though it's unhealthy, fat dogs are pretty cute!! (not that your dogs are fat...don't tell them i said that!) i love your dress. sometimes fashion and weather don't mix, but you still look adorable!

  7. Oh goodness, you look as cold as I feel! Although I heard it's about 30 here today, total heatwave ;-)

  8. I love your fancy hemline! You look so great!


  9. Oh no, chubby pups! Haha, it's okay, with my family being around the house all holiday long, my dog has gotten a few extra bites of cookies and bread here and there and he's gotten a bit chubs as well. :) It'll come off, I'm sure... heheh.

    That dress really is cute! I love the detailing at the bottom. Stay warm in all that snow, Katherine!! <3

  10. Wow adorable.. Your dog is cutie ^^
    First comment here, hopefully being amiable (:
    The dress is very beautiful and gloves too.. Oh snow, I wish I could see it :(

  11. One of my friend's dogs got sent to a corgi fat camp...I think it may be a common problem!

  12. I feel you on the cold weather! I'm feeling as if NO coat I own is warm enough since the temps here have been below 10 for a week straight! Waking up to literally 0 degree weather is getting old. I'm a wimp about the cold already so I'm getting ready to give up and die. At least you still manage to look adorable though!! I love your pretty gloves and cute corgi necklace and that mustard beanie compliments your dress perfectly!
    My mom has a chubby chihuahua (the one in my New Year's Post) but they're just so dang cute with a little extra wieght, aren't they? :)

  13. eeks 27 degrees?! BRR!!
    You look great despite the cold temps! =)

  14. I love your Corg! Our Corgi was also overweight my mother-in-law started making him homemade dog food and he has lost about 7 pounds (he was around 43). Your necklace is amazing - need to find one.
    Stay Warm!


  15. I love the sequence on the bottom of your dress~ the detail is so nice. And cutie sausage!!! :) looks so cuddly! love it!

  16. That picture of you holding Teemo is the most amazing thing I have ever seen :).

  17. That necklace is perfect! Love these pictures, girl!
    xo TJ

  18. wow beautiful!!

  19. Whoa it's cold over there! I can't believe we're complaining about how cold it is over here in LA, hahah. Your dog is so cute, even if he is overweight, hehe. My sister has an overweight cat and I love her that way...but we still try to give her less food because we want her to live forever haha.

  20. I love all the snow! I wish I could take pictures in snow but I'm pretty sure I would freeze to death. Good luck with the puppy diet! My last chihuahua was overweight at 12 pounds but he was also 16 years old so I let him eat whatever he wanted :).



    Southern (California) Belle

  21. Oooooh! I love that cardigan! It looks like flower petals or something.
    Also, that Corgi necklace is adorable. I have to admit that I never knew what a Corgi looked like until I started reading your blog. I am not too informed when it comes to dogs, haha.

  22. Phat corgi! I'm not being mean. Mine has been advised by the vet that she isn't her ideal weight either. From above, she looks like a loaf of

    Your dress is gorgeous, but I really need to know where to get good corgi jewelry.

  23. I've never played the game though everyone always says it is so fun...

    What a cute dress. I like the hem details.

  24. haha katherine! they'll slim down. i had two dogs that had to go on diets. i was using meat and dry food. the vet said to them (which was directed to me laughingly), mommy is not feeding you two well at all huh. LMAO So i put them on dry food exclusively and added more playtime. cute dress doll!

  25. Snow is MIA in Chicago and if it works out in your favor our warmfront may just visit you towards the weekend. Good question...the patterns you saw in today? There was a scarf, but also some blouses, and a skirt :)

  26. Your dress is so so so beautiful. I love the color!

  27. wow i don't know how you manage to look so cute in cold weather!

  28. I love what you are wearing! Again, I wish we could have met! And I am way too cold to wear my dress, tights, and pretty shoes here! -Jess L

  29. awww poor puppies :( dieting sucks. love the golden edge on your dress!

    Mili from call me, Maeby

  30. Awesome look Katherine! The dress is super cute!

    Nike O.

  31. Seriously your corgi is soo cute. I can't handle it. Also, I like your dress!

    xo Ashley

  32. Aww, I love that dress but your baby is so cute. We just put both pugs on grain-free (nutra source) and they both have gained some energy and lost a little weight. I would recommend it for sure. Also, they are super silky now - can totally tell the difference! xoxo

  33. Being snowed in with friends is the best :) Your dress is adorable, but sorry to hear your coat wasn't the warmest :/ And poor least their resolution is the same as most people in this country ;)

  34. Love the outfit <3 <3 The dress is beautiful!!

    Wanna follow each other?

  35. One of the prettiest shades of purple! Eek...27 degrees is no fun! It's been unusually warm around here the last couple of days. It actually might hit 50 in the coming week. That's CRAZY for January, but I'm not complaining! :)

  36. Beautiful dress, and your dog is so cute!

  37. You look lovely in that dress, I love the hem detail! Super cute coat but sad that it's just not warm enough, I have a few of those mid-weather coats too! Good luck with the doggie diets! Although they do look adorable!


  38. Love your dress and what a cutie :)

  39. So cute, I love your dress! You really should be a stylist for Anthopologie! And that first picture of Teemo is so cute! He looks like a pure bread corgi in that picture! :)


  40. Why don't I own every single one of your dresses? This one is lovely, I'm seriously obsessed with that color.

  41. I love your hat and your did those shoes hold up in the snow?

    1. Thanks! I am actually wearing some black moccassins in the snow - I wanted the photo in the couple inches of snow but wasn't about to tread out into the snow with my favorite heels. So, I suppose it's a little blogging lie ;)

  42. It's my 1st time in your blog. I love your style and your corgi is absolutely cute!!!

    ♡ Valerie,

  43. Aww! Cute pup! And I'm so happy to have come across your blog. :)


  44. Aubergine is one of my favorite words. I love that dress :)

  45. You look amazing!! I love, love, love your dress!! The picture of you and your pup is adorable. xoxo

  46. Ah!!!!! Both Teemo and Raynor are SO ADORABLE!!! I have a corgi mix as well!!!! I'm so excited I found you, your adorable family and your blog- I love sharing the love of corgi mixes :)

    Also love your style and am excited to follow you on your adventures of 2013! :)

  47. Wow it looks beautiful there! The trim on that dress is just gorgeous.

  48. Your dress is fabulous, super cute outfit!


  49. Even if the coat isn't the warmest, it looks fantastic! And good luck getting the puppies down to size- my cat Lily has to go on a diet this year too and although she's not too happy about it it'll be worth it at her next vet visit.

  50. I accidentally found your blog, and now I'm hooked. Additionally:

    1) Your outfit is adorable.
    2) YOU are adorable!
    3) I love that you love Ohio (Columbus representing!), and that you have a corgi (I have one, too!)

  51. awww poor overweight doggies. My dog is too, though she NEVER was until I left her in the care of my parents (since we can't have dogs where we live). It has been a few years now but she is finally losing the weight after years of telling my dad how I don't want her to end up like the dog we had beforehand who was so overweight plus suffered from arthritis that she couldn't even walk. . .of course my dog will outlive her in a few months now and is energetic and fine. I go over more often now to make sure she runs about enough! I also only ever gave her ONE treat a day, but she whines at my parents because she wants to be pet all the time and they don't do it and instead give her food. MAKES ME MAD!!! Sit with my dog and pet her daily, lazy old people (I love them, but that does irritate me. I wish I had my dog again so she could be constantly pampered as she once was).

    Cute drapes by the way!


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