Where The World Goes by Like the Humid Air

Teemo and I went for a nice walk along the riverfront park in downtown Harrisburg and ended by taking photos with the capitol behind us. I am getting a lot better of setting up the tripod and just taking my photos. I mean, I'm in the middle of a street for this photo. Confidence is a really funny thing to me.
Where The World Goes by Like the Humid Air

Where The World Goes by Like the Humid Air

Where The World Goes by Like the Humid Air

Also, Teemo looks super ready for congress in his bow tie. I love walking him around down town in this dress and these shoes and his bow tie - it makes me feel like we're fancy or something.

Capitol Pup

Where The World Goes by Like the Humid Air

Where The World Goes by Like the Humid AirWhere The World Goes by Like the Humid Air
belt : target (from like 2006)
flats : marc jacobs remixed
tote : handmade
necklace : crave jewelry design via etsy remixed
bracelet : target (similar) remixed
watch : tokyobay remixed
sunnies : ray ban remixed
teemo's collar & lead : silly buddy via etsy


  1. Love the print, SO cute! And I really want that necklace...bunnies!


  2. Goodness, I wish I could get up the courage to take my own pictures out in the open like that. I am still a little too chicken. But I love this adorable dress and it looks great paired with the blue flats. So pretty! And Teemo is looking as handsome as always!


  3. HaHa Katherine you are confident! And confidence always looks good. Teemo is confident too. Love your dress and accessories.

  4. Teemo for congress! Yes! He looks awesome! And I'm completely marvelling in your ability to set up a tripod and smile RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET! Go you! You are my hero.

  5. You and your puppy are the cutest + I love your bag + I have that necklace in silver! It's my favorite :)
    xo Heather http://ahopelessnotebook.blogspot.com/

  6. I love that you have a bag that matches your blog. Did you make it?

  7. I absolutely love that dress...and I think I'm drooling over those flats!

    A Southern Drawl

  8. :D I have a friend who has a corgi and I really want to get one eventually! So adorable! I'm thrilled to be your newest follower and would love it if you could return the follow if you get the chance and wish to :)
    Sapir @ smellthewildflowers.blogspot.com

  9. cute outfit! and location. And I love your handmade tote! You're my favorite.


  10. Love the print of your dress and that sweet bunny necklace!

  11. Love modcloth dress!!! amazing pattern!!! ;) THESPARKLINGCINNAMON

  12. Love the print on that dress and the tote is so cute! :) Have a great weekend.

  13. Indeed I did. I have a lot of time when left alone on weekends - I sewed and stenciled it myself!

  14. Love the whimsical print on your dress!

  15. I love that dress- I'm such a sucker for animal prints. I totally admire you for setting up the tripod in the middle of the street. I am such an amateur when it come to tripods and I get shy, so I am inspired by your confidence! Plus multi-tasking with a dog is pretty amazing :) Very cute handmade bag too!

  16. You look lovely in this dress. I love it. :) Also your corgi is so cute, I want to steal him. :) Great photos, I am glad you are getting confident.. I still run and hide if the guy who lives in our basement apartment outside when I am taking pictures haha

  17. This dress is just too adorable for words!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  18. www.girllilikoi.comJuly 20, 2012 at 3:46 PM

    Love your dress, the prints are adorable, and love your corgi, so cute


  19. Amazing pictures!! Love your dress!


  20. Cool photo location, and I'm diggin that dress!

    xoxo Mama Wolf.

  21. that dress looks flawless on you! so flattering! when i have a tripod, i care less too.

  22. That tote is really cool! you should do a DIY on how you made that if you want!! :)

    Happy Saturday xxox

  23. Hello! I just found your blog, and I think it's adorable!! Especially your title. Anything with "Corgi" has to be great. ^^
    Anyways, your dress is adorable - I really like that deer print. And is your corgi's name Teemo?? So cute! How did you come up with it? Whenever I think Teemo, I think of the LoL character. XD
    ♥ xixia

  24. Xixia Wang you are the first person to know! he is named after the LoL character and we always joke about his noxious traps. i think he looks like Teemo so it was a perfect fit. my other dog's name is Raynor from starcraft!

    and thanks!

  25. hahah, I love me my games. Raynor is such a cute name too! :)


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