But this day by the lake went too fast

For the first two-ish years of my blog, time often felt like it was standing still. The months couldn't pass quickly enough until we got to the next thing - Jason being done with grad school, getting out of Pennsylvania, and basically getting on to the next step in our lives. It's strange how when you are waiting for the next big thing how slowly time goes. But these past few months have flown by. I'm in constant shock at how much time has passed and how quickly it's gone. Weekends fly by these days, and I'm always surprised when it's somehow Wednesday and I'm feeling like it's Monday.

Lou and Gray Striped Linen DressTangerine WedgesLOFT Lou and Gray DressAnthropologie Bunting NecklaceQuit Talking BagsWhite Striped Loft Dress

dress:: lou & grey by LOFT // belt :: target // wedges :: enzo anglioni
sunnies :: ray ban // necklace :: anthropologie // rings :: kiel mead


  1. Such pretty photos. This looks like where my grandparents lived in Naples. Also... title... Rilo Kiley?

    xox Sammi

  2. This is SUCH a cute outfit!! I love the different stripes together and those wedges are pretty much the cutest things ever!!


  3. I am so happy that you seem so happy. This outfit is lovely by the way- understated and yet all fitting together.


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