Lately, my life has been over ruled by bunnies. Seriously, the dogs are constantly tracking in our neighborhood because the bunnies are totally everywhere. And these bunnies have no fear at all - they do not mind the dogs barking, they just chill. That all being said they are adorable, and I totally love that my backyard is filled with bunnies, and not a car dealership (Cincinnat) or another apartment building where kids threw rocks at my window (last apartment). I'm finding it easy to take our camera on walks now and capture Teemo and I in our weekend best, or rather, the skirts I deem 'weekend wear'. When the hell else am I gunna wear a sequined mini skirt?

Fat Teemo and Happy KatherineSequin SkirtKatherine and Teemo Overlooking ManheimBunny Motive flatsFleur de Lis RingTeemo and Katherine on a Walk

There is a reason I am talking about the bunnies in my post. My new bunny flats! I have been wanting these bunny motive flats FOR EVER. I got a gift card to Trinity Place and immediately snatched these up. I'm totally in love with them, and they are the perfect thing to accompany my beloved crave jewelry design bunny necklace.

Bunny Motive Flats and Bunny NecklaceFlower EarringsKatherine and Teemo on a walk

sunnies :: ray ban remixed
tank top :: j crew factory (recently found again buried in a box!)
sequined migration mini :: anthropologie remixed
bunny motive flats :: trinity place
bunny necklace :: crave jewelry design remixed
ring :: gorjana & griffin
earrings :: target remixed

Also, a bonus for your entertainment. This is how Teemo looks when we get home from these walks: 

Passed out Teemo
Jason and I officially have been married for just over two years now. Our (early) Disney celebration was wonderful - and we decided the Grand Flordian would be quite the place to have our special dinner.

White Sangria at CitricosAracini at CitricosSwordfish at Citricos

Citrico's was amazing. We split an entrée as always, ate yummy cheese as a dessert, and took our time enjoying everything as the sun set. It's such a lovely background, and I'm glad we had the chance to celebrate our second anniversary this way. Though, let's face it, every year for sure isn't going to be this way.

Anthropologie Green Turtle Print Dress BackVintage Snake Bracelet and A SmileArribada Current Turtle Print DressHappy Arms Spread Turtle Print DressSunburn and A Backwards Bunny necklaceBack Love Birds TattooArribada Current Dress Beach At The Grand FloridianSeychelles Hydrangea HeelsGrand Floridan Fountain Turtle Dress

arribada current dress :: anthropologie (via ebay)
hydrangea heels :: seychelles remixed
snake bracelet :: vintage remixed
necklace :: gift remixed
Tonga Toast

When we visited Disney, I enjoyed this amazing dish called Tonga Toast at Kona Cafe. Essentially, it was a large piece of banana stuffed French toast deep fried and rolled in cinnamon sugar. While delicious, I found the deep frying part too heavy and the cinnamon sugar part on the outside far too sweet. So I decided to do my own version! It turned out better than I could have imagined, and used none of the whole deep frying process.

Banana French toast

In order to get the full feeling of satisfaction from our still valid Disney tickets, Jason and I took a weekend away to celebrate our anniversary (three weeks beforehand) and go to Star Wars weekend. Obviously, the two things didn't match up, but we make do. We focused in on getting all the Star Wars special stuff we could - from a delicious chocolate cupcake with a chocolate Darth Vader to a fruit cocktail. Drinking around kids at noon is so totally normal. I jest.

Stormtrooper at Star Wars WeekendDarth Vader Cupcake 2Star Wars Weekend CocktailsThe Force Cocktail Star Wars WeekendKatherine with Stormtrooper Star Wars WeekendKatherine and Jason Hollywood Studios Star Wars Weekend

I look like the happiest person with that Stormtrooper. It was only seconds before he got accosted by about 20 foreign teenage girls. This was one of the most relaxing and fun Disney trips - usually I never pair relaxing with Disney, but we took our time, managed to stand in line for very little, and only rode a scant few rides before retiring home for a shower. I'm super proud of the fact I don't look like a hot mess of sweat in these photos. The Star Wars top is totally a dress I'm wearing under the skirt and I also have workout shorts on. 

Star Tours Fast Pass DetailWhiteKedsStar Wars Dress Blue DoorSunnies and Face

I managed to get a vintage Artoo necklace off eBay. I'm pretty proud of this 10-something dollar purchase. It's the little things.

Vintage R2D2 NecklaceR2D2 Star Tours LineStar Wars Dress StairsLove Birds Back Tattoo Star Wars DressWhite Sunnies and nailsStar Wars Dress and Black skirt

star wars dress (worn as top) :: rusty cuts via etsy remixed
skirt :: modcloth remixed
sneakers :: keds remixed
sunnies :: c/o modcloth
headband :: goody remixed
vintage r2d2 necklace :: ebay

In honor of our two year wedding anniversary, I thought it would be really fun to share my vows to Jason. Because I might be the only person you know who wrote their wedding vows in Google Documents which allows me to easily access them at any minute!

Tripoding your own wedding photos makes for great outtakes, PS

I can still remember almost every detail of the first few times we crossed paths, down to the first moment I saw you at freshman year orientation. I never expected the kid with his head down and name tag hidden so all I could see was his major, who I only deemed ‘big headed digital kid’ would be with me where I stand today. I am just glad that you continued to pop into my life when we got back to school, showing up in your little green polo at the art store and then disappearing like a leprechaun. Fortunately, once we sat down and talked, it seemed like we could never stop. And it didn’t take me too long to figure out that you were the one and that I would do just about anything to be with you. I think the defining moment of our relationship for me, the one that said we were meant for each other, was only a few short days after we met. But, when I found a man that loves Disney as much as I do, wants to be a father, and thinks Star Wars is way better than Star Trek, I just knew.

our first new year's together
Our first new year's together. I think his head looks bigger here.

It’s been nearly five years since we fell in love, and there isn’t a day where I don’t feel that love. We may have changed, but the beauty is that no matter how we change, we change to love each other more. And you still love me no matter how crazy I get.You have always helped me through hard times when I thought I couldn’t keep designing or running or whatever it was, and you always push me to do my best. You give me the tough love I need, no matter what, and that’s more than I could ever ask for from you. I am so fortunate to have you in my life and I continue to fall deeper in love with you. Every time I see you with a dog I see all the reasons I love you. I can’t believe sometimes that I found someone who is as crazy, and that’s the only word to describe it, about dog’s as I am.

i haven't uploaded a non-365 in awhile....
This guy loves his dogs a lot. A lot, a lot.

Five years doesn’t seem like long enough, and I look forward to all the time we have together to continue building our lives together. Our life has been quite a journey already, and I cannot wait to see what is ahead of us. I will always have fun with you, even through stressful times, no matter what. I will always try to cheer you up on bad days and bring you Taco Bell when you need it. And I’m really excited to think of all the puppies we will have in the years ahead! I have already enjoyed our little family with the two we have now so much, and I am excited to see how we will add on to the family down the road.

Back when we lived within walking distance of a grocery store and walked there all the time

And now, as we enter into marriage, I’m not nervous, and I’m not scared. Everyone has asked if we’re getting cold feet, and I never get the question because that has never been a thought to either of us. I have been ready for this for a long time, and I will be proud to be Katherine McAdoo. I promise to love you with all my heart forever, and I will even try to understand all the accounting my mom taught me and do our taxes. And I’ll continue to pay all the bills! And of course, I promise to give you the love you deserve, and I’ll keep cooking you things like beer cheese mac and cheese and giving you head scratchies before bed time. I know our marriage will be a wonderful mix of love, companionship, and more. So let’s do this!

jour quarante-sept (happy labor day)
Labor day in the park we would get married in, 3 years prior to getting married

Two years later, I feel the same way. Though, beer cheese mac and cheese hasn't happened for awhile, so I thought in order to celebrate our marriage, it was time for a recipe! This is delicious, albeit a part of the reason Jason probably gained 50 pounds upon meeting me (I view this as awesome, by the by. Boy was too skinny back then.) So here we go! Beer cheese mac and cheese!

Beer Cheese Mac and Cheese
Some crazy adaptation of the recipe on the back of the box, my mom's beer cheese recipe, and my insanity.

Macaroni Beer Cheese
I adore my pup, but there are those times where I wish he were an abnormal dog. And by that, I mean, I wish he were some super intelligent dog that didn't want to eat poop. Want to know what the challenge of this day was? Teemo versus the goose poop. I love dogs, and my might-be-dumb corgi mix especially, but there are some normal traits I could do without! Still, despite all the trouble, he still manages to do pretty well with distractions. I kind of hoped he would flop into the water, but one thing he doesn't really do is swim. I mean, who could swim with a giant overbite anyway?

Teemo and Katherine Looking At The RiverTeemo the Corgi at The RiverKate Spade New York Bow Ring Happy CorgiOutfit Katherine and Teemo at the Rivermrs kate spade new york earringsEnvelope Necklace Jean jacketJean jacket and Anthropologie Bandana Print Dress

Jen from Made in Minch sent me over the nicest care package - it arrived on my last day of my previous job and just felt like the best timing ever. This little bow came in it, along with the best scarf ever (I'm tempted to wear it all the time to work to keep me warm). The bow went perfectly with this dress and stayed in my hair all day (so much I forgot about it and fell asleep with it on).

Made In Minich Bow
Bandana Print Dress Love Birds TattooKate Spade All Typed Up Clyde and Teemo the Corgi mixTeemo and Katherine At The RiverMarc by marc jacobs WatchKate Spade All Typed Up Clyde At The River

denim jacket :: mossimo remixed
bandana print dress :: anthropologie remixed
belt :: target remixed
hydrangea heels :: seychelles remixed
all typed up clyde bag :: kate spade remixed
necklace :: via noto remixed
mrs earrings :: kate spade remixed
watch :: marc by marc jacobs remixed
teemo's collar & lead :: the mod dog