Dog In The Barn

I pass the Star Barn daily now on my way home, and it had been so long since I had visited and taken photos. It's an easy pit stop on the small commute home now. I think I'm a rare person in that I like a bit of a commute - it's time to wake up in the morning and time to wind down on the way home. There is also no traffic on my way through the farms, so in comparison to every other commute I have ever had, it's really peaceful. People here seem surprised about my choice to move and have a commute, which by the by is maybe 30 miles, and I'm really not used to this reaction considering a lot of people in Cincinnati drove to Dayton, Kentucky, and other fairly far off places like it was normal. I'll keep enjoying my peaceful rides through farm country meanwhile.


cardigan :: j crew factory remixed
beam me up scotty dress :: modcloth remixed
belt :: nordstrom remixed
third degree heels :: seychelles remixed
bag :: marc by marc jacobs remixed
necklace :: lulu bug jewelry remixed
watch :: tokyobay remixed


  1. So long as there is no traffic or construction, I agree! I take the backroads to work and it is a great way to unwind before and after work for sure. My commute is about the same as yours. I love your pretty dress Katherine!

  2. I hear you on having a commute, I do not mind either... Mine is about 45 minutes, but I work in the middle of no where and I am more of a city girl. I rather be closer to Boston than my work. I agree its time to wake up/and for your mind you leave work before you get home too, which is nice! The only times its sucks is when you need that 45 minutes... like tomorrow Jon has softball game/the bruins are on at 7:00 so we need to get the bar/field for 7:00. We want to run and we need to eat! have that 45 minutes back in my life on those days would be wonderful but oh well.

    This dress is so cute btw, I love these pictures! :)

    Sara :)

  3. I used to pass by the Star Barn when going from Lancaster to my friend's house in New Cumberland! I only took pics there once, I'll have to again. Love your shoes so much!

    The Occasional Indulgence

  4. I loveeee that purse! :) I wish I had a way to unwind before/after work. But my commute is all highway. :(

  5. I love that you remix all you have all the time. It is wonderful.
    What a gorgeous place.
    I love Lancaster!!!

  6. Now that I don't have much of a commute, I can't say I miss it! I wouldn't mind just a drive, but sitting in bumper to bumper traffic everyday for 2 hours was just not cool.
    That dress is just too cute!!!

  7. A commute through the country is definitely peaceful, I hate commutes through the city where there's construction and accidents and traffic jams. This looks like a lovely place to stop for photos, the perfect backdrop. I love this dress, such a great vibrant colour on you! And that picture of your bag is so awesome

  8. That's a nice backdrop. It must be a beautiful drive. Your outfit is so fun. Love that you paired an unexpected color (yellow/chartreuse) with the red/black/white of your dress.

  9. Looks like a lovely place to take photos!

  10. You are endlessly adorable. I love that necklace, too. Living in Kansas I have a lot of opportunity to stop at a bunch of barns, but I'm always scared I'll get caught by an angry farmer telling me I'm trespassing. How do you do it!?

    The Nautical Owl Blog

    1. I'm careful about where I go! This place is currently about to be up for auction, but I know from people who lived around here, that the family that use to own it sold it to the church next door. I figure the worst that can happen is they will tell me to leave, but that the church won't shoot me. Plus, everyone in this area takes photos here.

      On the more private lands, I pretty much freak out the whole time. AKA the one time I trespassed onto an amusement park and felt like my heart was going to explode.

  11. a) you look great and b) that barn is so awesome! i love this!
    kw, ladies in navy
    jewelry giveaway!

  12. Love this outfit, and this location is beautiful!! I actually enjoy a bit of a commute, also. Gives me time to just be alone with my thoughts.

    xox Sammi

  13. That printed dress is the cutest. I went horseback riding on the weekend and saw so many barns, I should have taken more pics, I love the countryside. I love your cardigan with this outfit. xx/Madison :)

  14. Love your outfit, such a pretty dress. And i'm in love with your shoes and hair :)

    x Audrey
    P.s. i'm hosting a OASAP giveaway on my blog, feel free to join.

  15. The instant I saw these pictures go up on Flickr I squeaked a little bit because AHHHHHH PUPPY DRESS! Haha, I adore that dress SO much and remember seeing it on Modcloth. That has to be the cutest pattern in the history of dress patterns ever. Ever!

    I'm glad you got to stop by this neat little location and snap some pictures--they came out to be quite striking! I especially love that wall you're standing on and the snapshots of your accessories. Purse in the tree? Get it girl.

  16. I'm loving that dress - also, this location is so pretty! I'm going to have scout this one out!

    And I don't think the commute is so bad in PA; there is so much pretty farmland to see!


  17. Lovely outfit. Unfortunately my dog is more accurately titled 'dog up to his stomach in squelchy mud' rascal!

  18. As usual, this dress is perfect on you. I'm still in love with heels too! And god, what a gorgeous spot for taking photos. Hope you're loving your new home!

  19. I love the colors of the outfit! Especially how you managed to mix teal into the mix! :D

    xx Denysia Yu

  20. I drive a lot also, and I love. For some time I did a lot trips on the freeway, but now with the tolls I go on the inside roads, that are more rural, and I love it! The only thing that I hate, I stay sad all the time, it's that with the economics crisis here in the europe, people are abandoning there animals, so there are a lot of cats murder on the roads, and dogs, lost. If I could I would help them all but it's impossible. But I love to commute :) It's peacefull and you see so many things...

    Love your shoes and your necklace it's adorable!

    Kisses Sofia G

  21. Love the dress! Looks great on you. Great pictures, the barn made for an excellent backdrop!


  22. Lovely colors in this outfit! I'd just like to borrow your closet for a couple months...

  23. love your scottie print dress and your hedhog necklace :)
    that barn is such a great backdrop for a photoshoot and i love the star detail

  24. Quite a few people around here commute about the same amount of milage too. I'd rather be in the same town, but...

    Love this barn and your outfit is darling.

  25. you have inspired me to wear this dress with yellow and teal! you looking amazing great styling and love the first photo!
    xo Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  26. Amazing mixing of usual! :) I agree that a commute is a nice bit of "me" time where I can just listen to my music and think about things while I drive. I don't have a huge commute as I work in the same town that I live in, but I still enjoy those times. I really love's just the price of gas that puts a damper on things. :\

  27. love your outfit, lady! the colors are so fun together, and that print? adorable!

  28. Nothing beats a good old drive through a country side (unless one is in Wales), especially when the sun is shining.
    Beautiful photos and lovely outfit - the accessories are gorgeous! x

  29. gorgeous location, I want to grab my bag and go there right now - I can feel the sun, heat and the slight breeze <3 x

  30. Love your scotty dress its perfect for you! This location is amazing, old barn-looking buildings are my favorite! I had one near me really similar but now there's always gross construction all around it. I hope all is well with you!!
    xo Hannah

  31. Beautiful shots - what a gorgeous commute :)
    pretty dress too

  32. oooo love this location! how pretty!

  33. Love the color combinations, your dress is really pretty and you've styled it well! You look very pretty :)

  34. I really don't mind the drives in PA...lots of farms and scenic routes.

  35. I never thought of a commute in that way. It seems even more worth it when you get to stop by places like this :) I know my mom hates commuting because the majority of her drive is on the parkway... the opposite of picturesque. You look so cute as usual!

    Mili from call me, Maeby

  36. This is such a pretty spot to take outfit photos in! I love your dress, the print is adorable

  37. You always look so cute in this scottie dog dress! I just love it! I wish I had one of my own. It looks great with these primary colors.

  38. This is such a beautiful place- and great pictures!

    This is exactly why I'm catching up on your blog, I had no idea you had switched jobs! Way to go girl. Sounds like a much better fit for you. BTW- I love a good drive too. Just not waking up early factoring in the drive.

    perfectly priya


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