Happy Howl-o-ween

These cards from Nicole Marie Paperie have me rethinking my usual hatred of Halloween. Her 'howl-o-ween' cards have me thinking I just need to rebrand Halloween in my mind as the cute holiday where I eat a lot of candy and dress my dogs up ridiculously. This is just a little sneak preview of her cards, and the happiness that 'howl-o-ween' week is bringing me. I'm sure my neighbors already thought we were weird parading around with a giant camera half the time, and now that we are walking the dogs with their costumes, well, I'll enjoy the looks. Because these two are darn cute!


  1. Your pups look cute in their costumes.

  2. Raynor looks positively ravishing. So cute!

  3. Too cute to spook! : )


  4. How cute!! My corgi would never let me put a costume on him:)

  5. They look awesome! Halloween becomes much more exciting when we can dress our dogs in ridiculous costumes. I'm so impressed Raynor keeps that crown on, Casey knocks hats off.

  6. Oh my goodness! They are so cute all dressed up :)

    ♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}

  7. so much cuteness here! love how raynor is rockin' her pointy pink hat!

  8. Raynor looks fabulous in that costume! For some reason I assumed that she was a boy, not sure why! Love how in the third from last picture it looks like she grew a Teemo snout :)

    <3 Kelsey
    Be Like The Fox

  9. Halloween can definitely be a cute holiday! I love the dog costumes. I always smile when I see pets in costume!

  10. Haha love the spiderman costume!
    If you've got time, i'd love to know what you think about my latest post about New york!



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