Grilled Cheese Donuts & Engagement Parties

Trips to Cincinnati are always jam packed. We have to figure out what yummy places we want to eat, and this time I really wanted to hit up a grilled cheese tour stop that I have dearly missed since I left Cincinnati. Tom + Chee is a restaurant that is now expanding into Louisville also, and they serve delicious grilled cheeses and tomato soup. We decided to try some of the different and signature items they have on the menu - a grilled cheese with Cincinnati local potato chip Grippo's inside and a grilled cheese donut! Yes - a donut cut in half with cheddar cheese in the middle.

Tom + Chee
Tom + CheeTom + Chee NewportTom + Chee :: Blue Cheese ChiliTom + Chee

I'm sure you are wondering if the whole grilled cheese donut thing is just a gimmick and is actually disgusting. It's not - the idea of grilling a donut is downright brilliant, but I will say, if I got it again, I would go for the sweet types they have with mascapone cheese and fruit. You just couldn't taste the cheddar much - the gooey cheese texture was yummy, but the sweet glaze overpowered the cheddar. And the BBQ chip one? Well, let's say we stopped and got some chips to try and copy this. You can read the rest of the review on Yelp, here. Also - should I do grilled cheese recipes guys? To see more about the grilled cheese tour and where else we have been, visit this page.

Tom + Chee :: Grilled Cheese DonutTom + Chee :: BBQ Chip Grilled Cheese

Main reason we went into town was to meet with my parents after some recent birthdays and also to go to my friend Becki's engagement party. You may remember Becki and her fiancee Jeremiah from this post. Well, Becki asked me to be her matron of honor (yup...I'm a matron...weird right?), and I am so excited. I had to make the trip in to celebrate and see her dress on her before she bought it! It's beautiful - but that's all I am saying! Instead, you can have a photo of me and Jason being awkward while waiting to see her dress.

Dress Shopping at Wendy's BridalTeal, Burgundy, & LaceTeal, Burgundy, & LaceTeal, Burgundy, & LaceTeal, Burgundy, & LaceTeal, Burgundy, & LaceTeal, Burgundy, & LaceTeal, Burgundy, & Lace
sweater :: frenchi via nordstrom (similar) remixed
belt :: target
tights :: target remixed
headband :: goody remixed
ring :: modcloth remixed
bracelets :: kate spade & target remixed
bag :: emma fox remixed


  1. That grilled cheese place sounds awesome but I don't think I could stomach the donut!

    The Tiny Heart
    Dec. Group Giveaway!

    1. Indeed - I eat like 1 donut a year, so I actually ate like 1/2 or maybe 3/4 before all the sweetness overwhelmed me! Still, it was surprisingly good!

  2. This looks positively delicious!! I would never ever think a grilled cheese donuts would work, but I'll take your word for it :) That chip grilled cheese sandwich sounds interesting too- i sometimes sneak lays chips into my sandwiches so I'd be down to try those. And you look so pretty- you always have the best heels! And love the look of teal with burgundy.

  3. Your bag & your shoes are soooo cute!

    And the grilled cheese donut sounds yummy!

  4. I literally just sent your post immediately to my boyfriend so we could salivate together. Both the chips and donuts grilled cheese sound amazing!!! On to the outfit... those blue shoes are amazingly beautiful! The shape and color are so pretty with the cream and maroon, the last picture is my favorite!

  5. I love this outfit so much...and that're killing me. I am now starving. :)

  6. This grilled cheese donut sandwich all at once sounds delicious and horrible, I am conflicted about what to think! Haha, one of those very strange combinations that ends up being good.
    Sounds like a very fun day and a fun trip, that's sweet that you'll be her "matron" of honour.
    I love this sweater paired with this dress, such a perfect colour combination that I will have to try out in the future

  7. Argh you take the best foodie photos! And you look lovely as usual ;)

  8. I love your nails, shoes, and purse! You are adorable as always :)

    ♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}

  9. oh my goodness, that food looks amazing!
    and love the nails and the shoes, cutest ever!

  10. Grilled cheese donut sounds like one of those things you only need to try once in your life, like deep fried mars bar - which is delectable, but I don't need to experience it ever again!

  11. That looks like one amazing grilled cheese! I love your teal shoes, you look so cute!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  12. wow that sounds so weird but so appealing! haha...I would SO try that if I could!!
    These photos make it seem so GOOD!

  13. I would definitely try the grilled cheese donut! Sounds pretty tasty to me, but then again I'm an adventurous eater.
    Also you look so pretty in this outfit! I love the color of your shoes and cardigan paired together. So pretty!

  14. i saw that on instagram and immediately wanted to try it! yum!!! what a fun trip! i love the shoes you festive!

  15. Those shots of you are too adorable. And those shoes are seriously badass.
    I am a grilled cheese fanatic and I am now salivating all over my keyboard at work :P. Seriously though, those combinations sound amaaazing! Yum!


  16. Wow, that looks delicious! I'm starving after looking through these, mmm. :) And such cute accessories, m'am!

  17. wow, those look delicious! I'm a huge grilled cheese fan and never thought of combination it with a doubt, just genius.

    You look adorable! I love your shoes and that dress is just perfect.

  18. oh wow! the shoes, the bag, the grilled cheese... all look amazing!! and now im hungry,lol! xx

  19. This looks like such a fun place to eat!! I don't know if I would have been brave enough to try the grilled cheese donuts so bravo for doing so!!

  20. I've never actually heard of a grilled cheese donut, sounds interesting haha!

  21. Looks like a whole lot of delicious! including all the delicious details in your outfit! :) Loving your necklace, nails, and shoes! What an interesting heel shape...


  22. I want this now! love your pictures, there are so many bad pictures of food out there ( I can't take good ones myself), but this just looks beyond delicious! great job:)
    xx Kate

    The Style Department

  23. Bwar so much to comment on in one post!!! First off, food: YES you should do a grilled cheese post and you should also check out the bbq sauce and caramelized onion grilled cheese floating around on's just as good as it sounds, if not BETTER. second, outfit: those shoes! that cardigan! you have such a knack for colors. third, wedding!?: sounds wonderful! I hope you blog about it.
    this has been a comment that incorporated way too many exclamation marks.

  24. Oh my goodness, those grilled cheese donuts look SO good. Glad that you had a fun and busy visit!

    Also, your outfit is adorable beyond words; I especially love your shoes.


  25. I vote yes for grilled cheese.

    And as always, you color combinations are awesome :)

  26. I love doughnuts. I'll have to take your word for it on grilled doughnuts. It looks incredibly good - comfort food. :) I love the last picture. Something that is so natural about it that I like!

  27. UM hello. YUMMMMM!!!! what a revelation!

  28. omg grilled cheese donut?!! that looks sos sososo sososo yummy!! loving the color scheme of your outfit :)
    xx mili

  29. oh my gosh! grilled cheese donuts?! ah, so interesting. i would love this in a vegan version.

    lindsey louise

  30. I really love the vibrant color of your shoes.
    Hmmmm...grilled cheese donut...sounds like something I need to try.

  31. all the turqoise!! I love it! I can't handle it!! <3 <3 Those shoes are perfect <3

    and the food looks unhealthy..but sooo delicious <3


  32. I'm not a fan of grilled cheese but if you are, it seems like heaven haha. My boyfriend would definitely like it! And where is your necklace from? So pretty! xo

    1. It's from the J Crew Factory Outlet! I totally forgot I was wearing it!

  33. Looking gorgeous! I love turquoise with burgundy!
    Just popping by to wish you a Merry Christmas in case I don't get time to comment again before Christmas <3

  34. I'm seriously drooling thinking about a grilled cheese donut! The bbq chip one also looks amazing....I'd love a recipe if you manage to copy it :)

    These photos are really lovely too, and your shoes are just amazing!

  35. Pretty color combo. It looks like a fun day out- that beagle/doughnut looking sandwich looks nuts!

  36. WOW. That grilled cheese looks amazing! I think you should definitely post some of your recipes :) they would be perfect for this cold weather we are having in northern california.

    I absolutely love your entire outfit and wish your dress was still in stock at modcloth! Congrats on being matron of honor!

    xoxo jess
    Foreign Room

  37. Those are the things we don't have in Europe, Grilled cheese donuts, the wonder! What a cute necklace you are wearing.


  38. GET THE HELL OUT those shoes are so hot! Holy crap.

  39. Oh my gosh I can't handle the awesomeness of that food porn! I LOVE that bag, so cute!

  40. Love your pops of teal! And isn't it a crazy feeling going to engagement parties and being part of the wedding party? I feel like I'm at the point in my life where I'm just a clock, waiting for the wedding boom between my group of friends to start!


  41. Ok, best color combo! I am quite smitten with those shoes especially :) And can I just say you had me at grilled cheese donuts! I can definitely see where it might be too much of a good thing and actually be a strange combo, but I'd definitely give it a try once :)

    That's sweet about being asked to be the matron of honor. Gotta love being a matron, right? I felt so mature and older than the rest of the bridal party at my sister's wedding because of this...hehe.

    <3 Marisa

  42. There is nothing better than grilled cheese!! These sandwiches look so so good.

  43. I totally agree with your husband about us looking alike with similar style! I LOVE your blog. Your outfits are always so so cute. I would wear everything (But the heels! Clumsy!). We should definitely collaborate on something. Perhaps an outfit post where we both style the same piece. Something! Also, I am going to school for graphic design and that is what you do too, right?

  44. Awesome pictures, honey :*

    Glaldy following you via GFC.

    Feel free to follow me back if u want :)

    Lot of Love,


  45. I love your nails!!! That grilled cheese shop has my name all over it - hope you two had a lot of fun!

  46. Those shoes are killing me. Such a gorgeous color & love the funky heel!

  47. omg that grilled cheese sandwich looks like the most heart attack inducing awesomeness ever! also, cute accessories!


  48. You look gorgeous Katherine! I love that your nails match your dress, and that dress is just absolutely gorgeous! And those shoes!! Also, I looooove grilled cheese. This restaurant sounds amazing!


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