1 Year!

When I started this blog last November, I didn't really know where I was going. Heck, I tried to start this with Tumblr which was not working. I didn't have my posting down, I hadn't totally figured out my journey in life, let alone this little snippet of the internet, but I think I've come a long way.

In celebration, I thought I would answer some questions I see in comments or have been asked in person a lot lately. So here it goes!

Why Of Corgis & Cocktails?
I was actually thinking of the Walrus and the Carpenter from Alice in Wonderful and was thinking about the line 'Of Cabbages and Kings' which brought me to 'Of Corgis and Cocktails.' So know, when I say my blog name, I usually preface it with 'The time has come the walrus said to talk of many things....' but in my head of course. I love outfits and clothing, obviously, but a lot of my blog is also about the dogs and food. Theses are two things I love to talk about - the corgis and cocktails.

i got a new camera!
What camera do you use?
I use a Canon 60D with two different lenses. Now, that being said, I also went to school for design for 5 years and do  a lot of my shooting with my camera on manual, and when I'm doing outfit posts, aperture priority. Remember, knowing your camera and how to edit will change the look completely. I use Adobe Creative Suite 6 with Photoshop and Bridge to edit all photos.

You live apart from your husband? How do you do it?
My husband Jason and I moved from Ohio in October 2011 - me to Pennsylvania and he to Florida to finish grad school. You can read a bit more about that and some tips here. How I do it - that's a mystery to me also guys. Sometimes I get all whiny about it too. Truth is, I focus on trying to get fit and be all pretty for when he sees me next, but I end up eating pretzels and wine on top of working out. Oops. But yeah. Because there is a end date, it really isn't all that bad. Also. this is the last month - I'm actually leaving for Florida as this posts! Huzzah!

How old are you?
I'm not quite 25 but I, for some reason, cannot remember I'm 24. So 25 in a few days.

-33 : i'm sorry mom...-28 : OMG!
Is that a corgi?
Teemo isn't a full bred corgi, it's true. He's a mutt with a large overbite and no docked tail. He's a mix of Pembroke Welsh Corgi with what I can only assume to be Jack Russel terrier, some other terrier, ferret, and fox. We call him a 'corgums' because he's a corgi mixed with 'umm I dunno.'

Have any other questions? I'll answer them in the comments!


  1. Yay happy blogiversary! Congrats on a great year, can't wait to see what this next year has in store for your! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  2. Happy blogging anniversary!!! Was so lovely to learn more about you since I am still relatively new to the blog. Oh and I adore your little boy! Breed or not, who cares - he is super sweet.

    Have a great trip!


  3. Oh yay, happy 1 year Blog Anniversary!! I love how you got your blog name, I always wondered about that. Teemo looks so cute in his bowie :)

  4. Yay!!! Happy Bday (??!! ) Congrats! I love your blog and I wish you next year with beautiful blog <3

  5. so cute! Happy (almost) Birthday, Katherine!!! And have a great trip and reunion!!! And of course, Happy Birthday, pretty Blog, we love you!


  6. I cam't believe you've only been doing your blog for a year! It feels like one of those really well established blogs that has been round forever. I enjoyed reading your questions and truly respect the living long distance thing. I don't think I could do it -I'd get so lonely without my boy. I bet the reunions are amazing though!

    I want to respond to your comment to me and shall do so hear but I wish there was an easier way of responding where I know you'll see! I understand the point about some people not having Google accounts and so see the point in putting an alternative up. My biggest complaint is that it is another company stepping in and doesnt tell you what it does with your email. And yes, it's also having lots of company ads in my Facebbok news feed after liking the company. I don't resent it when, as you say, it's little Etsy shops or the like but lots are big name brands that then send you lots of stuff. Oops, I'm beginning to do a full post again so I shall stop here. zip.

  7. That last picture of Teemo put the biggest smile on my face! Congratulations on one year! :)

  8. I'm so glad I got to learn a little more about you! Congrats on your 1 year blog anniversary :). I'm so happy that you and the hubs get to be together soon! yippe!


  9. A very happy blogoversary to you Katherine! That is so cute about how you got the name of your blog. Now I will always think of that when I come to your blog! I am so glad to commiserate with you about being apart from your husband, even though it sucks. Most of all, I am very glad to have "met" you on here. You are a sweetie and I hope you have many more years of blogging ahead!

  10. Woooop!
    Happy 1 year of blogging!
    I feel like I have been blogging forever. I think that is because I took some time off and then came back to it. I love your blog, Katherine. I am so happy you do what you do!

  11. Congratulations!! One year seems like so long and in the mean time so short! I can only hope to be blogging one year (in like 8 months :p). And I'm glad you're going to be reunited with your husband again xo

  12. Happy blogging anniversary! Woo!
    Have loved following along with you. Great answers! =)


  13. Congratulations! I'm so impressed that you've only been blogging a year. Everything is always so polished and fun at your blog.

  14. can I just say how much I love your blog? So happy I found it. happy 1 year too, I hit that milestone recently, I still don't know what I'm doing with my blog, I'm hoping by year 2 I'll have an idea of where I want it to go ;)

    Teemo definitely looks part jack russell to me, my Mum has 5 and they have a lot of the same features as this little guy xx

  15. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Your blog is beautiful, I really enjoy reading it and wish you more successful blogging years!

  16. Congrats on your one year! Here's wishing you another wonderful year! <3

    xo, Adriana.

  17. haha "corgums." that's cute. and kudos to you for living apart from your hubby! that's no small feat.

    congrats on your first blogiversary!


  18. happy blogiversary and almost birthday. have fun in florida!!!

  19. Aw! Well it looks like it's been a wonderful year! You have an amazing blog, and you inspire me to put together more fun outfits :)

    ♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}

  20. Congratulations on 1 year! That is a big accomplishment! Teemo looks mostly corgi with something else mixed in and maybe it is a Jack Russell given his coloring! My little guy is mostly Jack Russell with something else mixed in. We will never know what he is mixed with, but it is fun to play detective.

    xo Jenny

  21. Wooo! Happy 1 year, m'am! Your blog is wonderful, I can't believe you've only had it a year!

  22. WOW! congratulations!! That is really awesome that you have been able to keep your blog going for a full year! I recently found you blog a few weeks ago and I have really enjoyed reading it. I hope that you will continue to post!

    PS, Teemo is such a cutie!!


  23. Congrats! and I love 'corgums'--it's always better for a man to have a bit of mystery about him aha x

  24. Happy blogaversary!! That is so wonderful that it's been a whole year, I love the reasoning behind corgis and cocktails, that makes me happy. Teemo is always such a cutie
    Also have an amazing trip to Florida!

  25. Haha so funny about teemo so cute congrats on 1 year, xoxo Ilana


  26. Yayayay! Happy 1 year! So exciting! And such great insight to your blogging and a sweet peek into your life. Your pooch was a mix! Such a cutie! Kiss kiss!

  27. HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY!! So happy that you're heading to FL to be reunited with your hubby! Enjoy the weekend!

  28. Congrats! You've done so well in only 1 year!


  29. Coongrats! excited for many more posts and I hope to be where you are next year!

  30. Congrats on your first year!!! More cocktails to celebrate:)
    I am following you now:)
    Please check out some of my looks on BestTrendsForever.com!!

  31. congraaaaatulations. it's so much work, and i can tell you've worked HARD.

  32. HAPPY ONE YEAR!!! I'm so happy I stumbled on your blog, it's really one of my favorites. Your style, little bits of doggie life, food and cocktail posts really make my day. Congrats!

  33. Yay! Love your blog. Your pups are just adorable!

  34. Happy anniversary! I can't believe you've come this far in just a year. That's an amazing accomplishment. I hope you have a safe trip down to Florida today (so exciting!) and a great weekend with the hubs <3



    Southern (California) Belle

  35. Corgums. How cute! Girl I don't know how you live away from your hubby but I admire your strength! So exciting you get to see him now!! I'm so happy for you!! I love your blog name and header, its so cute! And I think I just passed my year mark too, congrats!! You really have accomplished a lot in just a little time!

  36. Congarts to one year! I'm glad I found your blog because it has turned into one of my favorite reads!!

    I love that you call him a 'corgums'! Too funny! When people ask me what kind of dog Pearl is I always say "a white dog" because she is one crazy a$$ mix!

  37. Congratulations!!! It must be such a relief to be moving back together again! I really like the name of your blog, and the inspiration behind it makes it even more amazing :)

    Let me know if you need help with guest posts!

    Sophisticated Lace

  38. EEEEE!!! THAT DOG!! I want to meet him!! He's so cute!! <3 <3 <3 I wanna put bows on all the dogs! they all deserve bow ties!

    ok I'm done spazzing :)

    haha so cute that you call your dog a 'corgum' xD so clever.

    congrats on your one year! can't wait for many more posts to come :)


  39. Congratulations Corgis & Cocktails and of course to you too Katherine =) I'm like you, at 1st when I started my blog, I don't know where and how far this blog will go but after a year and some for Diva In Me, she's still surviving! =D Don't stop blogging and I'm really glad knowing you as a blogger friend =)


  40. I hope you have an amazing reunited time together!!!!!! Yey for being able to be with your husband again. That is really special. It would be truly very difficult to be apart especially when married, That sounds SO hard for me. . .probably because I haven't gone a day without seeing my husband since I met him in high school. >.< Great job being able to work it out as you did. Happy 25th too!! I love how you came up with your blog name by comparing it to that Alice in Wonderland song!

  41. Congrats on the blogiversary!!! I love your blog!! It always makes me smile!


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